
Sybase 510-410 Exam

PrepKit 510-410 exam , sybase ase sql developer associate exam is an interactive software that helps you learn, tracks your progress, identifies areas for improvements and simulates the actual exam. This PrepKit contains 5 interactive practice tests with over 280 challenging questions guaranteed to comprehensively cover all the objectives for the 510-410: sybase ase sql developer associate exam. With detailed analysis for each question, over 100 study notes, interactive quizzes, tips and technical articles, this PrepKit ensures that you get a solid grasp of core technical concepts to ace your certification exam.

1.Which of the following are true about triggers? (Choose 2)

A:Triggers can create permanent tables.

B:Each table may have an insert, delete and update trigger. 050-895

C:Each view may have an insert, delete and update trigger.

D:Stored procedures may call triggers.

E:Triggers may call stored procedures.

Correct Answers: B, E

2.Which of the following statements about IDENTITY columns are true? (Choose 2)

A:There can be only one IDENTITY column per table.

B:There can be only one IDENTITY column per index.

C:IDENTITY columns must be declared with the integer datatype. ee0-411

D:IDENTITY columns must be declared with the decimal datatype.

E:IDENTITY columns must be declared with the numeric datatype.

Correct Answers: A, E

3.Which of the following are true about views? (Choose 2)

A:You can create a view only in the current database. 000-M22

B:You can create a view on a temporary table.

C:You can create a trigger on a view.

D:You can build an index on a view.

E:You can select data from multiple tables.

Correct Answers: A, E

4.What is the default isolation level for Adaptive Server?

A: Isolation level 0 (read uncommitted)

B: Isolation level 1 (read committed)

C: Isolation level 2 (repeatable reads)

D: Isolation level 3 (serializable)

Correct Answers: B

5.create table test_title (name char(10), address varchar(55)) lock allpages Where will Adaptive Server insert the next row in the test_title table?

A: Rows are inserted in clustered index key order

B: Rows are inserted at the end of the page chain

C: Rows are inserted randomly to avoid contention 1T6-511

D: Rows are inserted in date order

Correct Answers: B

6.How many rows are inserted by the following code fragment?

declare @x tinyint 1T6-521

select @x = 0

if @x > 0

insert t values (1)


insert t values (2)

insert t values (3)

A: 0

B: 1

C: 2

D: 3

Correct Answers: C

7.create table employees

(emp_id int constraint chk_emp_id check(emp_id > 500),

dept_id int default 1300,

name varchar(40))

Which one of the insert statement fails?

A: insert into employees (emp_id, dept_id, name)

values(252,1200,Tony Adams)

B: insert into employees (emp_id, dept_id, name) ec0-479

values(719,1500,Lee Dixon)

C: insert into employees (emp_id, dept_id, name)

values(801, default, Denis Bergkamp)

D: insert into employees (emp_id, dept_id, name)

values(601,1400,Ashley Cole)

Correct Answers: A

8.What command can be used to display the final decisions that the optimizer makes about queries? (Choose 2)

A:set showplan on

B:set noexec on

C:set statistics io on

D:dbcc traceon(302)

E:dbcc traceon(310)

Correct Answers: A, E

9.Which of the following are true about primary key constraints? (Choose 2)

A:it creates a unique index on the specified columns

B:it can be created on a column that allows null values

C:up to 255 primary key constraints can be created on a single table HT0-201

D:it must be dropped using the alter table command

E:it creates a non unique index on the specified columns

Correct Answers: A, D

10.Given the following stored procedure:

create procedure p



create table #p1 (a int)

exec ("create table #p2 (a int)")


How many temporary tables will exist for the current session after the following code fragment has been executed:

create table #t1 (a int) JN0-342

execute p

A: 0

B: 1

C: 2

D: 3

Correct Answers: B

More Information:ee0-425 
